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A computer science student who is pursuing M.Tech in CSIS from IIIT Hyderabad.
The complex yet fascinating world of Computer science intrigues me.

IIIT Hyderabad

Pursuing M.Tech in CSIS(Computer Science and Information security)(2021-2023). The coursework provides an emphasis on breadth wise covering of various CS subjects as well as diving deep into the intricasies of core subjects.

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MGM's Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College

Graduated with B.E in Computer science(2016-2020). The coursework introduced me to the basics of CS core subjects. Electives were provided which were subjects with higher relevance in industry

JNEC image
EDUCATION DETAILS Degree Institution CGPA/Percentage
Master's in Technology - Computer Science and Information Security IIIT Hyderabad (Ongoing)
IIIT website
Bachlor in Engineering - Computer Science MGM's Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College 6.9
MGM's website

Fake News Detection

Abstract: Studied the various machine learning classification algorithms for a comparative study.

Brief: Used Web scraping to collect the dataset from various fake news busting websites as Altnews and maintained it in MongoDB. Using basic machine learning algorithms as Naive-bayes, Random forest and SVM, tested it's comparative accuracy on test dataset.

Covid Prediction

Abstract: Studied the various machine learning prediction algorithms for predicting the rise in cases

Brief: Used the available keggle dataset of various countries over time and used various time-prediction models to accurately predict the trend of these cases. Used libraries as ARIMA, Prophet etc.



C++ , Java , Python , Shell script

Database Query Languages

SQL, MongoDB


Web development, Android app development


TEDxJNEC : Hospitality Coordinator (2018)

Helped organize TEDx event at our college, by taking on the responsiblity of one of the Speakers. In process gained knowledge about coordination, team work and diverse outlooks of life.


With NAAC ex-president Dr. Jagannath Patil

Inter-Departmental Sports Competittion

With extreme teamwork, dedication and focus, successfully won first place in cricket, during College sports fest-Razzmatazz.


Contact Me

Email ID : bagade.vaishnavi.2403@gmail.com

LINKEDIN ID : Vaishnavi Bagade

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